Author: Hannah

Dear Evan Hansen

Last Wednesday, some of our high school students spent their evening at the theatre to go see Dear Evan Hansen, the hit Broadway musical which has been playing at the Artscape for the last...

Liesbeek River Cleanup

The Liesbeek River cleanup is an annual event held by the environmental committee in order to protect the local environment.  Saturday, the 15th of February marked an adventurous morning spent at Liesbeek River in...

Athletics Day 2025

Last week Wednesday, the ISCT’s high school held their annual Athletics Days. Despite the bleak weather in the morning, the day’s events continued on as normal with the first event being the Senior Boy’s...

Spirit Day

  On Friday the 24th of January 2025, the first inter-house event of the year commenced: Spirit Day.  Students flocked from their classrooms to the top field, decked out in the red, blue and...

Year 12 trip to Sutherland

The second week of the new term had students from our Year 12 class going on the annual trip to Sutherland. Designed as a physics trip, despite the trip being open for anyone to...

MIT Holiday Program

We are very pleased to announce that one of ISCT’s students, Yahya in Year 12, participated in an MIT quantum mechanics and engineering course. From his account we can celebrate an enriching experience. Offered...

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