Monthly Archive: January 2025

Year 12 trip to Sutherland

The second week of the new term had students from our Year 12 class going on the annual trip to Sutherland. Designed as a physics trip, despite the trip being open for anyone to...

MIT Holiday Program

We are very pleased to announce that one of ISCT’s students, Yahya in Year 12, participated in an MIT quantum mechanics and engineering course. From his account we can celebrate an enriching experience. Offered...

Prize Giving

Prize Giving

The 4th of December brought with it the last school day of 2024, as well as the junior end of year prize giving.  The students, parents and teachers present were entertained by a lovely...

Firefighter Activity Day

On the 27th of November, high school students were visited by the Volunteer Wildfire Services and partook in a program with various activities and stations. After an introduction by the VWS team members, we...

High School Fun Day

From Year 7 to 11 On Tuesday the 3rd of December for our end of year fun day the Year 7s went to Rush.  The trip there in a hired bus was an exciting...

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