ISCT VS WBHS Basketball Tournament

Two weeks ago our boys basketball team played in the annual Wynberg Boys Basketball Tournament. Competing in the U16 category, our basketball team competed on Friday and Saturday at Wynberg Boys.
Starting off the tournament on the Friday evening, ISCT competed against the club named the Vikings. With quite a few spectators in the stands cheering on our team, the boys played their hearts out. A special mention to Michael who defended extremely well throughout the match, blocking many of the Vikings shots. Unfortunately during the game one of the team members, OJ, got injured. We hope he gets better soon! Despite our team’s efforts, the match ended in a loss.

Saturday began early, with the U16 basketball team starting with a match against the hosting team, Wynberg Boys. The fast paced match resulted in points racking up on both sides. In particular, Sateyen made some impressive shots that left spectators shocked. The second and third quarter of the match was tight with it being unclear as to who would win. Unfortunately, this was another loss for the team.
After a break, the boys hit the court again to play against Michael Oak. They quickly found their footing in this match, with our U16 team dominating against the opposing side. Impressively during the first quarter Jacob and Liam made an incredible assist and shot that was described by other players as a “great vision”. Around the third quarter; however, Michael Oak became a greater threat leading to the scores being extremely tight: one team would score followed by the other team compensating by making a shot of their own. It was impossible to tell who would win! In the final couple minutes, spectators sat on the edge of their seats urging the clock to count down for their team to win. It was a repeated cycle of block, foul, shot that increased everyone’s anxiety. When time was finally called it was to a final score of 40-43, with Michael Oak going through to the semi-finals.
Well done to everyone who played in the matches!

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