Look Me in the Eye: Pre-production

If you didn’t know, the annual high school production is coming up! This year: a dystopian play called Look Me in the Eye by Lindsay Price.
In this dystopian one-act play, five teenagers face the nerve-wracking decision to comply with the rules or resist.
On a small stage (our very own dungeon) with a small but talented cast – the show will be unforgettable! In this case, while not exactly the correct setting, the “dungeon” is quite fitting for the play’s atmosphere. Of course, I can’t give too much away – I have to save some of the magic of theatre for the show!
As a cast member I can assure you that the actors and everyone involved have worked tirelessly to live up to the script’s excellent writing and plot. Everything is coming together after auditions, discussions and countless rehearsals. My script has been battered and bashed, flipped through and followed carefully, and eventually left firmly in my bag during heroic attempts to remember lines. In my very unbiased opinion, I think this will be a play for the ages. Not to put too much pressure on us…
The show will take place Wednesday (the 15th March) and continue on Thursday and Friday. Book your tickets now! There’s limited space in the dungeon, and you definitely don’t want to miss it.
– By Ruby
Here is the link to purchase your ticket.

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