Athletics Day

Sports day was a day we had all been waiting for, starting with house meetings to decide who would participate in each event. Some were excited about the forthcoming contest yet others, not so much. After checking the weather forecast, we were anticipating some grim weather. The teachers had meticulously planned out the day and had opted to start with the most torturous event of them all, the mile run. The day was finally here, we all piled onto the buses. There was a cacophony of chatter drowning out the teacher’s instructions. After a short journey, we arrived at our destination only to discover a massive field that seemed to grow as we approached.
The teachers organized us into our houses as the staff set up some tents. The first announcement was made, the Junior Girls’ Mile Run. It was four laps around the field and everyone was preparing for the arduous challenge. Most completed the race and the record was beaten. In the junior boys, there was also a new record set with nearly a full minute difference from the former one. Once the seniors began their race it was noticed that the clouds had darkened ominously. Once the seniors had finished we moved onto the sprints, by then a light drizzle had begun to fall.
After two sprints the drizzle had intensified into a downpour. The now soaked teachers, who had worked so hard to set up the event, eventually called an end to Sports Day and we all took the buses back to school. In my opinion, the rain was a blessing if only it had started before we undertook the mile.
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