Science Expo 2024

The year 8 science expo took place over two days, last week Tuesday and Wednesday. The year eight students displayed their amazing, much anticipated science projects. Months and months of work went into these, and no one failed to impress; from projects about water filtration, herbal supplements, and many, many, more.

Each student got two interviewers, as well as parents, to present their projects to. Many are now being sent to the District Eskom Expo, at Star College, Bridgeton on Saturday, 18 May. Needless to say, successfully finishing this was a huge relief, and definitely a major milestone for this year.
The prize giving took place on the 10 May, and plenty of amazing students won medals, from the seven who won bronze and two who won silver, to the five who won gold. Everyone received a certificate, and a stunning graphic ruler. Many parents attended the prize giving, and they and the teachers/mentors alike were very proud of what the year eights have accomplished.
An amazing talk was given by Dr Mark Horner, who spoke about the common myths that are believed about studying, and what techniques are most useful when preparing for tests and the like. This was, of course, very useful, as exams are coming up, and also quite an interesting concept.
The year eight mentors are really what helped to make this happen, being there for the students; answering questions about reports, posters, milestone tasks; giving valuable feedback and doing the interviews. Especially Dr Rat, whom this would not be possible without, all these teachers were so helpful, and the year eights didn’t have to do everything alone. Now the teachers are probably just as relieved as the students that the success of the science expo is done!
– By Ilhaam

Photos by Mr James
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