Monthly Archive: November 2020

Year 11 Bake Sale

In these times of contactless shopping and reduced social contact, the Year 11s were faced with the difficult task of raising money for the matric dance in a way that is Covid-friendly. The Fundraising...

Term 4 Soiree

ISCT has officially hosted its second virtual music evening of 2020, and what a treat it was! The video below is the livestream of this event, none of which would have been possible without...

Santa Shoe Box 2020 Delivery.

The Community service Portfolio have been collecting shoe-boxes filled with various goodies for the Santa Shoe Box Project over the past 4 weeks. Students had volunteered to make these care packages tailored to a...

A Call for Change

In recent weeks, our school life has exploded into a whirlwind of hurt and conflict. The bubble many of us have been living in for years has been struck down as we discover the...

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