Family Fun Day

The PLG Family picnic on Friday was a huge success!! On 02 February 2024, families came to celebrate the new school year with an eventful evening. There were many activities on the bottom field to keep everyone busy, as well as football and netball fundraising games, with prizes involved. It was amazing to see the support from people willing to make donations for the sports tour happening in March. The teams are beyond grateful. Once again, delicious boerie rolls were available, and the dedicated football team made sure to keep the supply coming for the long long queue. There were definitely high levels of stress as the Year 12’s were also fundraising for their matric dance – very artistic face painting was being done, with many happy children running away, grinning from ear to ear, with colourful butterflies, flowers and planets covering their faces.

From the sports department there was the exciting revealing of the new House flags and songs by the House Captains: Orion was represented by a bow and arrow (very fitting), Draco with a reaching bear claw (intimidating), and Titan with a bullseye. As everyone watched this parade, anticipation and enthusiasm grew for the Athletics Day coming up, and the opportunity to represent their house with these new spirit pieces.

If it was because of the amazing food supplied by the sports team, vendors and Crepe Town, or the activities, such as the exhilarating Tug of War, everyone had a good time and enjoyed their evening. There is a massive thank you that needs to be said for the maintenance and management team who helped to organise and set everything up, this event couldn’t have come together without them. Lastly, the AV crew who worked tirelessly to keep the music playing and announcements heard, ensuring the smooth running of the programme. Hopefully this feeling can continue throughout the year, and next year will have the same amount of enthusiasm!
-By Kiera

Photos by Retaya, Charity, Amina, Mr H and Jemma
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