South Africa Day!

BY: S.Treu, G.Naledi, B.Slade (Year 6 students)
South Africa Day is the day at ISCT where we all celebrate being part of the Rainbow Nation. On this day, more than usual. Whether you love koeksisters or koesisters, celebrate it! Whether you love biltong or boerewors, celebrate it! If you love to braai, celebrate it! If you like vetkoeks, celebrate it! You can be a very loud, and definitely a proud, South African.
What Does South Africa Day Mean To You?
Usually, on South Africa Day, we are given the chance to wear something that represents the South African flag or our South African culture.
Why Do We Celebrate South Africa Day?
We celebrate South Africa Day because it is a time that we can rejoice our different cultures and be proud of who we are. Simple as that!
Interview with Matida Chizura
Schyler: What does South Africa Day mean to you?
Matida: It’s when all of us come together and unite as proud South Africans.
Schyler: What do like to celebrate on South Africa day?
Matida: I like to have a nice braai or a special meal.
Schyler: What’s your favorite thing about South Africa?
Matida: The food, the people, the beaches and the music.
Schyler: What will you be wearing on South Africa day?
Matilda: I will dress up in a traditional Zulu attire or one of the South African flag colors.
Schyler: What makes South Africa day special to you?
Matida: The Rainbow Nation makes South Africa special to me.
Everybody has a different take on South Africa Day which makes us all special and unique.
That all the ice cream we have left in the bakkie, come back for some more scoops on ISCT News.
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