Firefighter Activity Day

On the 27th of November, high school students were visited by the Volunteer Wildfire Services and partook in a program with various activities and stations. After an introduction by the VWS team members, we were split into four groups and went through a cycle of different tasks.
In the loggia we had a seminar on first aid, we learnt how to respond in emergency situations and had the opportunity to practice CPR on test dummies. In the drama cabin we learnt about firefighter communication and how to effectively use radios. We were split into smaller groups and were given a building challenge to do over walkie-talkies! This activity really highlighted the importance of effective communication, especially within dangerous and emergency situations.

On the bottom field we were able to test out certain fire fighting equipment and techniques such as rolling up hoses and learning how to carry somebody over your shoulder. Finally, in the dungeon, we had an opportunity to use maps of the Western Cape to decipher appropriate routes to take in the case of an emergency situation.

All these activities taught ISCT’s high school students the importance of organisation, communication, and teamwork. We thank the Volunteer Wildfire Services for providing us with engaging and informative training and seminars relating to emergency safety and management.
Photos by: Dr Doyle
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