
2024 Valedictory
Valedictory ’24
On the 19th of September, we said a very sad, yet special, goodbye to the current Year 12s. Proud parents, teachers and students all came together at St John’s church. We began our ceremony with a beautiful musical piece done by Mr Engelbrecht and Mr Wright as the students walked in, followed by a heartfelt welcome from Mrs Reed.
After some tears were shed, we had an address from Aron Turest Swartz, most famously known for his band ‘Freshly Ground’, who spoke to us about ‘Ikigai’, a Japanese concept that asks people what it is they love, what are they good at, what they can be paid for and what does the world need. Essentially, it refers to giving someone a sense of being and a reason to live. We were also taken aback by a surprise musical guest, Zolani Maholawe, who beautifully sang their infamous song “Doo Be Doo’.
Then after a few prayers and readings done by our fellow students, we all stood together to sing our traditional songs ‘Fill the world with love’ and ‘Gaudeamus Igitur’. Another musical number was performed, this time by the KS2 Choir, who sang “When I Grow Up”, a song that brought many Year 12s, and others, to tears.
Following that, our head prefects of 2024 – Patience and Max – gave their final address to both the school and the Year 12s, which again brought everyone to tears as they began to reminisce on the past year and all the great memories it brought.
To end, the KS2 Choir sang another song, this time instrumental, as a dedication to the Year 12 students as roses were given to each of them. And finally, the grade was sent off to “Slipping Through My Fingers”, a heartfelt and tear jerking song that perfectly encapsulated how everyone was feeling as some of them said their last goodbyes.
While it is sad to see part of the year leave, we know they are going to go on and do incredible things in the future, and will surely make an impact on the world. It was a sad day for all of us, but also beautiful and heartwarming to see everyone come together for such a special day! Well done class of 2024!
– Ella
Photos by: Amina, Jade, Jess, Kiara, Mr. Hillebrand
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