Tagged: 2019


3 x 3 Photography

The Photography Extra Curricular Activity (ECA) was tasked with creating a 3×3 collage. The results were pretty impressive!  


Chavonnes Battery Museum

On Thursday, we went as a grade to explore the Chavonnes Battery Museum at the Waterfront. It was discovered by Nedbank as they were excavating the site to create a car park. The ruins...


The Peter Clarke Art Centre

On the 22nd of July, the Year 7’s visited the Peter Clarke Art Centre in Claremont. After the short bus trip, we got divided into two groups. Before we went into our class, Mr...


Cedarberg Scout Camp

Towards the beginning of the holidays, I spent five days in the Cederberg Mountains with 1st Claremont Scouts. We were fortunate enough to have warm, sunny weather for most of the time. This was...


Sunrise and sunset

Through term 2, the photography ECA (Extra Curricular Activity!) had a task to take a picture of a sunrise or sunset. There were 100’s of attempts, but the results speak for themselves.  


Basketball match: ISCT vs Malibu

The under 16 basketball boys played a match against Malibu Highschool on Wednesday. Although the match was tough, our boys managed to leave with their heads held high and a score of 17-9!  ...

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