Category: News


Abduction, Dissection and Termination – Narrative by Dean

Abduction, Dissection and Termination   This is a scientific log of observation related to specimen 93784115, dwelling on the planet locally called earth, and bearing the name Willow as given by her two spawners....


High School Swimming Gala

The high school ended last week off with splash in their first inter house event of the year. It was an enjoyable break from the hard work of the last few weeks and quite...

Year 9 Drama Exercise 0

Year 9 Drama Exercise

In preparation for the Year 9  movie project, we explored the importance of music in film. We listened to famous film scores and discussed how the music made us feel and how that related...

Sports Summary, 21-23 of October 0

Sports Summary, 21-23 of October

On Monday the 21st of October, the U16 boys played against AISCT, at the ISCT campus. The boys played very well, and won 17-13.   ✹✹✹   The ISCT swimming team played against St...


The StandUp Club #1 – Mental Health

StandUp club is a group, where students meet weekly and, under the supervision of specific teachers, discuss relevant social issues that students want to discuss. Standup is a place for students to share how...


Child’s Play

For the past week, the Year 10s have taken part in the yearly Flour Baby tradition, where, during the fourth term, the students are paired up to take care of a ‘Flour Baby’ for a...


Basketball Matches

  On Wednesday, the senior boy’s basketball team played against and managed to win the match 32-14. Well done, boys!             The Under-18s girl’s team played against AISCT on...

Valedictory Speech 2019 0

Valedictory Speech 2019

Valedictory Speech This is the speech that was given at this year’s Valedictory.   “Bonjour. Buenos Dias. Buon Giorno. Guten Morgen. Good Morning. I think we speak for all of our peers here when...


Valedictory 2019

It has been exactly a week since the 2019’s official Valedictory service, an annual ceremony where students, teachers and parents all gather to celebrate and send that year’s Grade 12s off.     After the...

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