Category: News

Break Time Concert

The break time concert which happened on the 8th of February at second break was the first of its kind for ISCT. This event was organized by the cultural portfolio leaders, Arin and Julia,...

Year 7 Buddy Day 2022

On the 28th of February, our probationary head prefects Elizabeth and Alaister organized and brought back the cherished Year 7 buddy day. The Year 12s began their bonding experience with the Year 7s by...

Clothing Swap

On the 13th of October, 2021, the environmental portfolio arranged a highly successful clothing swap that not only allowed us to exchange clothing but also helped spread the idea of sustainable fashion – a...

Lovers Racket Poster

Amateur Hour Productions – 48hr Movie Project Cape Town

During the weekend of the 12 November to 14 November 2021,  a combined team of Year 12’s (Masé, Sophia, Joab) and Year 11’s ( Bella, Arin, Liz, Julia, Michael) created  AmateurHour Productions and entered...

Matric Dance 2021

On the 27th of November, this past Saturday, the Year 12s enjoyed celebrating and closing a marvelous academic school year filled with hard work and study. They spent a luxurious evening dancing, singing, bonding,...

Halloween Year 7 Essays 2021

In the spirit of Halloween this October, the Year 7’s wrote some creative, spooky writing pieces for our enjoyment. Below is the wonderful work of Kristen, Kaeto, and Benjamin. Enjoy!   Walter and the...

Santa’s Shoebox Drive 2021

Recently the Community Service portfolio, led by the extremely diligent Stephanie and Elizabeth, took on and graciously completed probably one of the most challenging projects executed by this portfolio, which is the Santa’s Shoebox...

Term 4 Music Concert 2021

ISCTs musical protégés graced us with their brilliant live performances via the online Music Concert on the 14th October. The MCs Julia and Arin took us through a vast spectrum of instrumental acts such...

Year 7 Integrated Lunch

This year’s Year 7 Integrated Lunch took place on the 4th of October. The Integrated Lunch is an event where students are put into groups and assigned a country. They then have to cook...

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