Category: Awesomeness


3 x 3 Photography

The Photography Extra Curricular Activity (ECA) was tasked with creating a 3×3 collage. The results were pretty impressive!  


Interlocking Structures

  For the AS art exam preparation, Yr12s were given five topics to choose from, one of which I have chosen – the interlocking structures. Since I have found the organic structures more interesting...


Grace Plays Santa for Her Birthday

    Grace in Year 10 EvD recently celebrated her 16th birthday. Instead of hosting a big birthday party, she decided to make sandwiches for a soup kitchen that she volunteers at in town....

Leaving Home 0

Leaving Home

It was early evening. Only the tops of the hills were dipped in gold by the last sun rays, before darkening into twilight. Situated on a gently slanting hill top, surrounded by dense forest...


Sunrise and sunset

Through term 2, the photography ECA (Extra Curricular Activity!) had a task to take a picture of a sunrise or sunset. There were 100’s of attempts, but the results speak for themselves.  


Greek Theater comes alive in Year 8

After working through the principles of Greek Theater, the Year 8s spent the term working on bringing that to life. This is Rachel, Sophie and Gabi’s original piece:   Here, Ru, Hannah, Dani, Nonnie...


Colour Run 2018

On the 10th of November a few of the Grade 9’s went to the Cape Town Colour Run. It was three hours of great fun. There were four different colours you went through: red,...


ISCT’s Golf Icon: Jung Wi

Thanks to Cameron and Ellery, we present you the Golf Icon of ISCT.   Jung Wi is a golf player for the Western Province Golf team. He has been playing for the Western Province...


All About Me

“All About Me” is a piece written by a Year 7 student named Ruby, in which she shares a bit of herself with the world. My name is Ruby. In my free time, I like...

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