Author: Grant


Can a robot be called a scientist?

Congratulations to Aaliyah , one of our Year 12s. She entered  the 2020 Immerse Education Essay Competition late last year. They received thousands of entries from students attending leading schools all over the world...


3 x 3 Photography

The Photography Extra Curricular Activity (ECA) was tasked with creating a 3×3 collage. The results were pretty impressive!  



  To raise awareness for the cases of child and women centered violence that has been more prevalent as of late in Cape Town especially, a lot of protests have happened all over Cape...


Cedarberg Scout Camp

Towards the beginning of the holidays, I spent five days in the Cederberg Mountains with 1st Claremont Scouts. We were fortunate enough to have warm, sunny weather for most of the time. This was...


Sunrise and sunset

Through term 2, the photography ECA (Extra Curricular Activity!) had a task to take a picture of a sunrise or sunset. There were 100’s of attempts, but the results speak for themselves.  


Interhouse Basketball 2019 Video

Some highlights of the 2019 Interhouse Basketball Competition. Well done to Draco for winning!


Greek Theater comes alive in Year 8

After working through the principles of Greek Theater, the Year 8s spent the term working on bringing that to life. This is Rachel, Sophie and Gabi’s original piece:   Here, Ru, Hannah, Dani, Nonnie...

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