Much Ado About Nothing

Everyone was filled with excitement on the 9th May 2024 when we arrived at the Homecoming Centre (former Fugard Theatre) for our performance of Much Ado About Nothing, the Shakesperian comedy as part of the Shakespeare Schools Festival, 2024. Directed by Daniel and Retaya, with a cast of ten committed actors from Y12 and Y9, the play had been enormous fun to bring to life, but it was time to share our work. The cast had been rehearsing since March and the final day was spent in the Dungeon at school, rehearsing and refining the song and dance for the final performance.
Once we entered the theatre, everything was go go go, with the tech rehearsal and the lifting of the flower curtain taking up most of the time. Retaya and Daniel discussed some of the arrangements, and with Ms Fisher’s help on the tech desk, everything was finalised. The crew in charge of the schools ensured everything was efficient in timing and soon we found ourselves performing for the other two schools as a full dress rehearsal, and then in turn watching their dress rehearsals. Worcester Gymnasium and Blouberg International had excellent performances of Twelfth Night and Othello respectively. Othello was a creative take on the classic story, capturing the true tragedy of the Shakespearian play, and Twelfth Night was a relieving break of emotions, delving into comedy. Both plays were amazing, and the support from each of the different schools for one another cannot be compared to anything else.

Finally, the moment everyone had been waiting for arrived. The audience quickly filled up and there was a nervous buzz to the air. ISCT was the final performance of the night, and so we all waited with anticipation (while eating pizza, of course) until we were called to the stage. Makeup was finished, hair was gelled back, and costumes were ironed out – then we walked down the confusing maze of corridors until we reached backstage. The flower curtain was flown from the rig, the astro grass rolled out along the stage, and all props placed in their rightful positions. When the actors stepped onto the stage in front of the parents, teachers, friends and family members, the theatre was transformed. The characters came to life, depicting the shenanigans of various family members, sweethearts and villains – plus more than one dance number. A hilarious and heartwarming treat.
Daniel and Retaya should be pleased with this amazing performance. Everything came together perfectly in the end, and each and every one of the cast members should be so proud of all their hard work – it shined all the way through their performance . Hopefully the Shakespeare Schools Festival will see ISCT next year (it will be hard to top this one)!
Kiera Slade

Photos by Ms Bennet and various parents/audience members
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