Primary School Music Concert

On the 16th November, students, teachers, friends and family gathered in the Struben House hall for an unforgettable music concert. The chairs were filled and parents waved to their children on the sidelines. In the 1st half, KS1 students took to the stage to wow the audience. The show opened with 2 excellent choir performances of Maggon the Dragon and The Lion Sleeps Tonight. Their rendition was extremely skilled, and I particularly enjoyed the guest appearance by a stuffed Maggon the Dragon, which was passed around with carefully organised choreography and plenty of vigour. The overlapping harmonies were especially beautiful to hear.

This was then followed by some lovely piano performances by various students, accompanied occasionally by an enthusiastic Mr Wright. Throughout the show, the audience experienced singers, pianists, and a percussion band!
Halfway through the show, the Struben house students were finished and were given the opportunity to happily go home with their parents with the adrenaline of their performances. Even though the heat in the hall was extreme and many people waved programs around to create breeze, the audience remained eager to see the rest of the performances. Next up: Key stage 2!
This half of the show brought even more music, ending off with a string trio – 3 wonderful violinists playing their version of The First Noel.
Overall, it was a great showcase of ISCT’s growing music department, and everyone went home with hope and excitement about our budding musicians. Well done to the music teachers and the AV crew, who brought the show together, and all the parents, friends and teachers who came to support the young performers. Well done everyone!
-By Ruby
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