Yr 12 Devised Piece

On Wednesday the 17th of July the Year 12 drama class performed their devised piece.
The road to performance was a long and difficult one, but in the end (the very end) everything came together and our group more formally known as the ‘Chaos Conglomerate’ showed off our carefully crafted piece to a supportive audience of family and friends.
Our piece entitled “Inward Spirals, An Introductory Theatrical Study Of The Behavioral Effects of Obsession” explored the theme of people becoming obsessed with something to the point of it taking over their whole life. Each of us in the group chose an obsession to explore in our own individual scene which then together made up the cohesive piece.
The piece began with a short opening scene where we defined obsession as “an unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with an idea or feeling”. We then transitioned into the first scene which was lead by Daniel who together with the ensemble portrayed the obsession of wanting to be the best pianist and having to win every competition. Next up was Issy’s piece where we communicated the obsession over trying to control the health of your skin and physical self. My piece followed, which showed the increasing obsession with manifesting to get what you want until you get to a point where you’ve asked and received everything but it’s still not enough. Jonah’s piece came after and explored the obsession over needing to suppress your emotion through exercise. Last but not least, came Milene’s piece that displayed the obsession over beauty and the way you look. To tie it all together we ended our piece with a soundscape that was made up of people talking about their obsessions while we performed a physical theatre piece.
All in all, our piece made use of many elements of theatre, such as lighting, sound, projection, movement and spoken text that made our piece a lovely piece of theatre. Making this piece was by no means easy but it definitely a great experience.
We are very proud of our piece and are excited to get onto our next performance.

Photos by Mr H
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