Tagged: Year 11

Senior Drama Performances

On February 18th the Year 10s, Year 11s, and Year 12s of IGCSE and AS Drama performed devised and scripted pieces of which they’ll be examined on.  The Year 10s performed their first ever...

High School Fun Day

From Year 7 to 11 On Tuesday the 3rd of December for our end of year fun day the Year 7s went to Rush.  The trip there in a hired bus was an exciting...

Year 11 Namibia Trip

  On 29 August, the Year 11 class headed on their Orange River trip with an early departure at 5am. Huddled under blankets and warm jackets, some chatted excitedly in the dark and cold...

Year 11 History Outing

On the 11th of October, the Year 11 History class embarked on a trip to the Castle of Good Hope, Rhodes memorial and the Iziko Slave lodge to learn about the history of colonialism,...

Year 11 Dinner

Last week on April 26th, the year 11s enjoyed a celebratory at Tiger’s Milk to mark the end of our IGCSE lessons and the start of the exams that we have been working towards...

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