Category: News

European Film Festival Outing

  On Thursday 19th of October, a group of students had the chance to visit the Labia theatre to attend the annual South African European film festival, which showcases some of the best European...

Year 11 History Outing

On the 11th of October, the Year 11 History class embarked on a trip to the Castle of Good Hope, Rhodes memorial and the Iziko Slave lodge to learn about the history of colonialism,...

French Haiku Poems

French Haiku Poems

Some of our Yr 9s tried their hand at French haiku poetry. Have a look at some of the amazing work they came up with. Kristen Les étoiles sont brillants, Les immeubles sont très...

48 Hour Film Project 2023

From Friday the 29th of September to Sunday the 1st of October, four of the year 11s – Ruby, Rebecca, Dean and myself took part in the 48 Hour Film Project. The 48HFP is...

Year 10 Baby Haven Experience

Year 10 Baby Haven Experience

September 8, the Year 10 class visited the Baby Haven as part of our baby project for PSHE. The trip was organised to not only teach us about what it is like caring and...

Netball: ISCT vs Star College

  For the ISCT netball girls, this term did not include many matches, a stark contrast from the excitement experienced from the U15 team making their first playoffs at the end of Term 2....

Valedictory 2023

On the 21st of September, we said a formal goodbye to our Year 12s. Proud parents, teachers and students gathered at St John’s church where we began our ceremony with a beautiful musical piece...

Winter Sports Day 2023

On the 19th of September 2023 we held the annual Winter Sports Day at the Military Base. Everyone arrived at school proudly sporting their house t-shirts eager to get the fun-filled day underway.  The...

ISCT Talent Show 2023

On Friday the 15th of September, the first PLG lead ISCT Talent show took Woodland Heights by a storm and truly exceeded any expectations that people had. The evening was a resounding success, highlighting...

BUFTA movie project

    From Sunday 3rd to Friday 15th, a combined team of Year 11s and 9s put together an outstanding movie for the Bond University’s Film and Television Awards international competition. Participants Retaya, who...

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