Category: Environmental

Liesbeek River Cleanup

The Liesbeek River cleanup is an annual event held by the environmental committee in order to protect the local environment.  Saturday, the 15th of February marked an adventurous morning spent at Liesbeek River in...

Beach Clean up

On Saturday, October 26th, the Environmental Portfolio, along with the Community Service Portfolio, and some parents to accompany us, went to Lagoon Beach in Milnerton to clean up trash. We started at 10:00 by...

Liesbeek River Cleanup

On Saturday the 9th of March, over 35 adults and students, including environmental portfolio members and other ISCT students embarked on a journey along the Liesbeek River, accumulating as much litter as possible. We...

Environmental Newsletter – March 2024

  What ever happened to the ‘Ozone Hole’? When I was younger, I would always hear chatter about the ‘hole in the ozone layer’, and horrifying stories of what was to come with this...

Y12 Biology Trip: Gansbaai

On the 9th of May, the grade 12 biology class departed for a 3-day research trip in Gansbaai.  Leaving at 6:45 that morning, we arrived at our accommodation around 9:00 to find a set-up...

2023 Clothing Swap

On the 25th of April, the Environmental Portfolio held its long-anticipated clothing swap.  Clothing swaps intend to combat fast fashion – the toxic dyes that get into our oceans and the pollution caused by...

Vertical Garden Project

On the 28th of March, the Environmental Portfolio completed its latest project: a vertical garden. The plan, initiated last year, has finally come to fruition to produce a lovely addition to the school, just...

Liesbeek River Cleanup

On Saturday, 4 March, the Environmental Portfolio, joined by girls from Boys and Girls Town, hosted a river cleanup of the Liesbeek River from 09:30 until 11:00. We started our day by splitting up...

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