Senior Drama Performances

On February 18th the Year 10s, Year 11s, and Year 12s of IGCSE and AS Drama performed devised and scripted pieces of which they’ll be examined on.
The Year 10s performed their first ever devised piece “Like A Shadow” which explored the themes of Oedipus, the play extract of the Year 12 class. This was partially directed by the Year 12s, Alex and Gaone, and the rest directed by the Year 10s themselves and Ms Fisher. This piece was used as an opportunity for the Year 10s to become more familiar with the devising process before they start their official ones later this year. The Year 11s performed their official devised pieces for IGCSE, “The Fame Monster” and “The Awakening”. Both of these pieces explored the dark sides to their topic. “The Fame Monster” explored the dangers of the Hollywood industry and “The Awakening” explored the dark sides to childhood fairytales. The Year 12s performed their scripted piece, “Waiting For Godot”, which is an absurdist play written by Samuel Beckett.

-Photos by: Mr Hillebrand
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