Derby Day

From Friday 18th October to Saturday 19 October, ISCT took part in its first ever Inter Schools tournament alongside AISCT and Michael Oak.
The Friday started off with music, cheering and face painting for the high school to participate in to increase the school spirit for the weekend ahead.
Students were allowed to show their support throughout the school day in their Hawks kits and blue accessories like tutus, pom poms and more. At first break, we were all called to the bottom field to cheer on all those who were participating as they ran through a man-made tunnel across the fields.
By the time 2 o’clock hit, it was time for the cultural events of the tournament to take place at ISCT. A welcome ceremony quickly commenced where each school had the chance to run down from the loggia to the bottom field as well as to share a chant of their own to show off their school spirit. Chess was the first event to take place with Michael Oak coming out on top. Debate was next where teams of three from each school argued their views on various topics such as . Despite great arguments from all teams, AISCT were the winners of the debating event.
Friday ended with musical performances from each school, starting with Michael Oak with their one solo performance enrapturing everyone. AISCT was next with multiple performances including a singing and guitar duet. ISCT performed last to perform that evening, with the superband closing the event with a mashup of various rock songs that had everyone out of their seats. With the amazing performances by the musicians at our school, ISCT finished the Friday off by winning the musical section of the tournament.
Saturday started early for everyone at AISCT, where we began the day by chatting for our schools once again before the sports events of the tournaments began. Throughout the morning football, ultimate frisbee, girls and boys basketball as well as netball were played on the various courts around the campus. With amazing performances from ISCT’s players, it was no surprise that the majority of the games we played, we won. Unfortunately, AISCT won the Inter Schools Tournament, with ISCT coming in second by only four points!
Thank you so much to all the staff members who made this event possible. In particular, thank you to Coach Illona who worked tirelessly to make this Derby Day happen; we look forward to seeing what happens next year.
Photos by: Amina, Tarina, Jess, Jade, Naledi, Ivanilda
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