40 Days

On Friday 02 August the Year 12’s had our 40 days, celebrating 40 days before exams and valedictory, where we were able to create chaos within the school and have their last day of freedom.
The day before the grade gathered after school to start preparing for the fun day. Streamers were thrown across the school, googly eyes were put anywhere we could think of and printed photos of each of us were placed in random places. We also decided to move around the lockers, turning them around to make them inaccessible or even putting them in hallways or teachers desks to cause further disruption. Some students had the idea to put cups down in one of the hallways, some filled with water to create a Russian roulette kind of chaos! As the evening continued and more and more ideas were put into place, the grade felt like they were ready to have absolute chaos and fun the next day.
The next day started off with the Year 12’s arriving in ‘Men In Black’ inspired outfits, getting ready for the assembly. It was fun to see the shocked look on the younger grades faces as they saw all of the disruptions and decorations we had done the night before. The assembly was a hit, with the lights being shut off and the grade sneaking in to the ‘Men In Black’ theme song. Suddenly, the room erupted with lights and music, and the high school danced around to songs like ‘Dancing Queen’, ‘My House’, ‘Hips Don’t lie’ and ’24k Magic’ which was a great way to start the festivities!
During the 3rd and 4th period, half of the grade dressed up as gnomes with blankets around them and hats on their head and crawled around the school, disrupting several classes with recorders and goofy music. The other half (my half) decided to use a harmonica to create a theme song of our own, and danced around students while clapping, which earned us lots of smiles and giggles. We also decided to switch it up in the 4th period by pretending to be late to classes, and acted like bad students giving wrong answers to the teachers questions, starting arguments or loudly playing music.
At second break, we all waited in the staff room eating our lunches or drinking tea from some of the teachers mugs. When the teachers came in they were all surprised, and found it funny that we had hidden all of the chairs so they had to stand. We had another dance party, listening to some 2000 hits and Chappell Roan while dancing on chairs and chanting along.
It’s safe to say that the day was an absolute success as we caused as much chaos as we were able to and created a lot of fun for everyone in the school.
– Ella and Kiera S
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