Integrated Lunch 2023

This year’s Year 7 Integrated Lunch took place on the 4th of September. The Integrated Lunch is an event where the Year 7s were put into groups and each group was assigned a different country which they would represent. From there, they had to cook a 3-course meal with cultural foods, carefully choreograph a traditional dance, decorate their tables with cultural decorations and do research on their country’s history and geography. The Year 7s worked exceptionally hard, and it really shows! From the beautiful table decorations, to the delicious food and the creative dances, it was truly amazing!

The countries selected for this year’s Integrated Lunch were: Angola, Belgium, Colombia, Croatia, Malaysia, South Korea, Sweden, Tunisia and Türkiye.
The Year 7’s worked ridiculously hard on this project to make it flawless for them and the teachers. It took several weeks of planning for this event to go perfectly.

As the weeks crept closer and closer, many preparations were made as students put together costumes, finished up dances, shopped for ingredients and cooked. When the time finally came, final touches were made as everyone was plating food, setting up tables and changing into costumes. In the end, everything went smoothly; both students and teachers thoroughly enjoyed the event.
A massive thanks to the teachers and staff, who did such a beautiful job setting up and organising the event, and thank you to our guests, who took time out of their day to join us for this amazing experience. And lastly, well done to my classmates for doing a wonderful job!
-By Ivanilda
Photos by Charity and Ruby
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