Year 8 Camp

This is the story of two birthdays, baboons and a river full of crabs!
This year, the Year 8’s went on camp to Die Eiland in Stellenbosch, surrounded by beautiful trees and mountains. The camp was led by Lead for Life, who started out with the unique “Water Bucket Challenge”, which was a highlight for many students, and we split into four groups, No Name, Stinky, Roland and Nimbility.

Dinner that day was a delicious chicken braai, providing energy for many hours of absolutely no sleep way into the night!
The second day (Happy Birthday Michelle!) started with bacon and eggs and a two-hour hike up into the mountains. While it was hot, the view was breathtaking and absolutely worth it; everyone swam in the rocky stream next to the field to cool off. After that, it was about lunchtime, and the game of Capture the Flag swallowed up all our remaining energy (in a good way!).

To end the day, we participated in a picnic-off, where we had to design and decorate our own picnic area in groups. There was also quite a moment when baboons came onto the field where we were picnicking! Luckily, no one was hurt as the baboons quickly retreated.
The third and last morning (Happy Birthday Sophia!) was filled with the Chicken Game! We had to listen for our numbers and run for the chicken!
All in all, Year 8 Camp 2023 was a complete success!
– By Olivia
Photos by Aaliya
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