Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour

On the 4th of November 2022, our volleyball team went to watch the Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour, which took place from the 2nd of November until the 6th of November at the Grand Parade.

We left during second break and arrived just in time to catch the tail end of the women’s South Africa vs Brazil game, which Brazil won.
During the interlude between matches, two of our players participated in a serving competition with the other schools there, and later Mr Manhenga participated against the coaches from the other schools as well.
After buying ourselves a few refreshments and getting to meet our wonderful South African team, we settled down to watch the next women’s match between Japan and the Czech Republic. Nothing could’ve prepared us for the fantastic game we were about to witness.
The sheer skill that those women possessed left us all in awe. Between the daring dives, close saves and strategic serves, all of us were on the edge of our seats, everyone cheering for the team they wished to win. In the end, Japan took the well-deserved win.
Sadly, by the end of that match, it was time for us to leave.
That afternoon was a truly amazing and worthwhile experience – one that none of us will soon forget.
– By Danielle
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