Beach Cleanup

On Saturday the 22 of October, the Environmental Portfolio arranged a beach cleanup at Lagoon beach, Milnerton. The cleanup began around 8:30, the leaders and other committed members arriving slightly early to greet harsh winds that prevented the ISCT gazebo from being put up.
Despite the weather, there was a good turnout of students as well as parents, and we split up into 2 groups, starting on either side of the beach to converge in the middle.
There was plenty of litter around the high tide line: lollipop sticks, cigarettes, bottle caps etc, and we worked to separate them into two bags – recyclable and waste; by the end of the event, we had collected a substantial amount.
To finish off, two parents with experience in marine biology, both of whom studied at UCT, gave us an informative talk on topics of species endangerment, aquaculture, and even the commercial development of seaweed.
Overall, this was a well organized and worthwhile experience. Congratulations to the environmental portfolio for this success!
– By Hannah

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