Year 8 Market Day

On the 17th of October, the Year 8s had their market day. Excitement was high, as it was finally the day that had been meticulously planned since the beginning of the last term.
As we set up our tables, there was panic in the air. Someone had forgotten decorations or something had melted. Luckily, our grade is extremely supportive, and with everyone sprinting around, we managed to more or less arrange ourselves and our tables in time.
We prepared ourselves as the onslaught of Key Stage 2 students charged towards us with handfuls of money, eagerly awaiting their sugary fix. We stood there anxiously. Had we chosen the right products? The right table location? The right decorations? Thankfully, cash was soon passing from hand to hand and almost everyone’s products were flying off the stalls.
Most people sold out quickly, but as the last bell went, everyone with products remaining desperately shouted out markdowns to the remaining students, worried if they would be able to cover their costs or not. Luckily, all was well, and as we packed up our displays, we were all filled with a sense of fulfilment that all our months of hard work had all come down to this.
Thank you to all the teachers for your support outside of the actual day and during it!
Market Day was a fantastic and entertaining experience, and while it was stressful at times, I think everyone worked extremely hard and was thrilled with how it went, as well as the profit they made!
– By Angelina
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