Integrated Lunch 2022

On Tuesday 11th October, the Year 7s had Integrated Lunch. It took place on the middle field with the entire grade and many staff participating.
Our grade spent over a term working on this project and it finally came to fruition. In the days leading up to the event, food was prepared, costumes finalised and miscellanea gathered.
When the time came to start setting up, there was chaos as everyone hurried to plate food, lay tables, set up decorations and change into costumes. Tensions ran high as everyone rushed around dealing with last minute problems until it was finally time to start.
All in all, everything went incredibly well; the students and teachers involved had put in a lot of effort and it showed. The food was excellent and every group had a unique costume and dance. The tables were set beautifully and with distinct aesthetics.
A massive thanks is owed to all the teachers and staff, who did such an amazing job at organising the event, and the guests, who took time out of their days to attend. Compliments to my classmates for a commendable job.
– By Genevieve
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