Break Time Concert

The break time concert which happened on the 8th of February at second break was the first of its kind for ISCT. This event was organized by the cultural portfolio leaders, Arin and Julia, who did an amazing job of making it fun and entertaining. The concert was watched by both key stages as well as teachers, who all made their way to the top field at the time to watch the entertainment. The event became more and more animated as the performances progressed, and the audience was exceedingly responsive and interactive. Performances were done by Isabella in Year 12 as well as the cultural portfolio leaders themselves, who after some convincing from the audience, performed twice. The performances were lively and caused many audience members, in particular Key Stage 2, to join in with dancing, singing, and clapping. Unfortunately, the event had to remain short due to the break time hours, but one can be sure to see it done in the future after the response exhibited by viewers. Overall, the concert was a fun surprise for all and a great way to let loose during the day.
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