Year 7 Buddy Day 2022

On the 28th of February, our probationary head prefects Elizabeth and Alaister organized and brought back the cherished Year 7 buddy day. The Year 12s began their bonding experience with the Year 7s by playing an icebreaker that highlighted everybody’s similarities, showing that we’re all equals no matter what age. We then began a treasure hunt wherein groups had to voyage around the school to spell out the word “High School”.
They made their way through the school going from the art room, all the way to the chem lab, and more, all in under 30 minutes! After the treasure hunt, we indulged in ice lollies that were very nicely provided by the school, while the Year 7s got to know their new mentors. Overall, it was a very successful and vibrant day for all involved, and all the Year 12s are looking forward to getting to know the Year 7s.
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