Playing cat and mouse

Some of you may be wondering how the resident ISCT kitten has been doing without his feast of lunch snacks since the holidays started. It is a pleasure to be able to say that Mr. Snow was tamed and has found a forever home out from under the drama cabin!
We lured it with food placed closer and closer from us. It only took a few days before he was comfortable enough to eat out of our hands. Eventually he allowed us to give him ear scratches and once he purred, we knew he would easily get used to a warm home with a loving family!
We brought a carrier with us the few days preceding Mr Snow’s capture to habituate him to this novel object. Greedy Mr Snow had no problem with the carrier, as long as there was some yummy food inside.
After walking into the cat carrier, Mr. Snow went to the vet for a routine check. He was sterilised and cleared of any diseases before going to his new, forever home. While he spent the first few days hiding in a desk drawer, food and cuddles were the fastest way to his heart.
Ikephu (Snow in Zulu) is now adventuring around his new neighbourhood in Muizenberg, he has a brother and two furry cousins, all rescued animals. He is loving the warmth of his home and wishes you well for the cold Term 3 ahead!
By Aimee and Dr. Margaux Rat
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