Care packages for Victoria Hospital

The community service portfolio started this term off strong, with a bake sale and putting together care packages for the children at Victoria Hospital.
Previously, we have done baked goods drives to give treats and cards to the Children at the hospital, which was very much appreciated, and led the community service portfolio to build a good bond with Victoria hospital. This time I wanted to see if we could make a bigger impact by donating things that would be beneficial for a longer time, so after contacting the Pediatric ward we came up with the idea of putting together care packages for each child containing a toothbrush, toothpaste, face cloth, soap, pair of socks and a treat.
To achieve this, we needed to raise funds, so decided to run an Easter themed bake sale. The community service portfolio members had a session after school the day before the bake sale to bake everything that was sold on the day, as well as an hour long session this Monday in which we put together the care packages, and decorated them.
This time I got to go into the ward when delivering the care packages, and it was really nice to see the smiles and gratefulness of all the children, parents and staff there. I think it will really make a big difference to their experience at the hospital!
As always, a big thank you to all the people that gave their time towards this cause, or contributed by buying items in the bake sale. The community service portfolio would be nothing without your support.
Article and Photos by Sophia
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