Dave and the Vampires – A Creative Writing Piece

The town hall clock struck twelve on a cold, dreary Monday night. Dave wondered if he had done the right thing. It’s not every day that you lie to your mum. He had told her he was going to a sleepover, but was secretly going to the vampire graveyard to meet his English teachers!
Dave’s mind wandered. He remembered how his class joked about his English teacher, Ms. Heart’s, resemblance to a vampire. She didn’t like sandwiches (all vampires don’t) and always wore sunglasses to avoid direct light. Come to think of it, all his school’s English teachers had the same characteristics. Suddenly his thoughts were cut short by a familiar voice.
“Ah…Mr. Harker,” said Ms. Heart. “We’re so glad you came to our meeting! We are thrilled!”
“How do you mean?,” asked Dave.
“What, not How.” corrected Ms. Heart.
“Yes.” Dave replied. “You told me that you English teachers had more information about vampires and you wanted to tell me ASAP.”
Ms. Heart motioned him toward the circle of English teachers sitting in the graveyard. “We noticed your interest. Would you like the ultimate learning experience about a vampire’s life?”
Dave was too curious to resist. But before he could say yes, Ms. Heart, with lightning speed, stabbed Dave with two red coloured whiteboard markers and sunk them into his neck.
The red ink flowed like blood. Dave crumpled to the floor. He thought he was going to die.
But wait!…He was mysteriously rising to his feet. He saw his English teachers smiling.
“How do you like your new look?” Ms. Heart asked.
Dave touched his now bald head and felt an uncomfortable bushy beard growing out of his chin. Something
was balancing on his face….big round glasses! His old clothes were replaced by an itchy blazer and khaki
trousers. New hard brown shoes cramped his feet where his trainers had been. He had become……NO……IT
COULDN’T BE…..An English Teacher Vampire!
-by Joseph
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