Exam Time!

In about 3 days, the students of ISCT will begin writing their term 2 exams. This period is a stressful period for us all. For most students, this is a period of sleepless nights, cramming, and lots of exam anxiety. However, there are ways to plan your time and studies to prepare for your exams in a healthier and more effective way.
Create a study timetable
Study timetables help you organize the content you have to study while planning how you’re going to use your time effectively. It is recommended that you study for 45 minutes to an hour before taking a 20-minute break. If you study for longer periods, you may overwork your brain and not retain and remember the work you’re studying as well.
2. Take Proper Study Breaks
For most of us, a study break usually involves watching TV, playing games or sitting on our phones. While these usually help us destress, they can also make us lazier and more prone to procrastination. It is important to give your brain a healthy break during your study breaks. Activities such as going for a walk with your dog, sitting outside while listening to music, or even helping your parents cook up lunch, give your brain time to rest. Therefore, by the time your break ends your brain will be ready to retain new information.
3. Past papers are your best friend!
Everyone has different methods of studying. Some students use mindmaps, while others prefer to rewrite the information in the textbook. Some watch educational videos, whereas others recite the information out loud. Some prefer study groups, others focus better when they’re alone.
No matter how you choose to study, past papers are something everyone should incorporate into their method of studying. Past papers give you a taste of what’s to come. It helps you understand how the examiners ask questions, what type of questions are expected to come, and how to get the maximum amount of marks for each question. Practicing past papers under real exam conditions (such as timing yourself) also help you manage your time so that you finish within the time limit given during the actual exam.
4. Stay Healthy!
Eating enough healthy food, drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep and exercising are also important for decreasing your stress levels. Your body and brain operate more effectively when you’re keeping them healthy. Do not stay up all night studying. Rather get 8/9 hours of sleep, and revise in the morning before your exam.
5. Do your best!
Set realistic goals for yourself. Push yourself to do better with every test, exam or assignment. Do not grow despondent if you don’t achieve the grade you wanted. Instead, review it and highlight points where you could have done better. Learn from your mistakes, and work on your weak points so that you do better by the next exam or test. Reward yourself for your achievements, no matter how small. If you believe in yourself, you can do anything.
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