Back to Business

It’s that time of the year again: Everyone has returned from a long and relaxing holiday, and have begun settling back into the routine of life. Although some people may be dreading this “Back to School period”, there are a lot of things for us to look forward to this year!
For starters, the Year 6s of 2018 are venturing into the exciting new world of high school! The Year 9s (now the Year 10s) are going to be narrowing down their subjects as they begin their IGCSE courses. And as they start their IGs, the Year 10s (Now Year 11s) approach the last lap of their IGCSE course, which I’m sure will be a massive relief for all of them!
In addition to all the big academic changes this year will bring, our recently elected head prefects, Sarah Osojnik, and Derek Mcrae, as well as the prefect body, are going to begin their first, and last year, of being the leaders and role models of ISCT.
In the previous year, we bid farewell to the Year 12 class of 2018, as many of them are moving out into the big world as they find jobs, study at the universities of their choice or travel overseas. Those who have chosen to stay on and take their A Levels will form part of the Year 13 class.
The new Year 12 class will be beginning, which for many will be, their last year of high school. This year is going to bring them great challenges as they are faced with the realities of AS Levels, university and entering adult life.
2019 is a year that holds great challenges, excitement, and most importantly, opportunities for all the students of ISCT. So, to all the students, parents and learners who happen to find themselves dreading the commencement of school, just remind yourself of all the great memories which will be made on the road ahead!
May this year be great to us all!
Such a positive start to the new term. May the year be one of fun and achievement for all. (Spelling police – change leaners to learners in the last paragraph.)