Yr7 Drama: The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

Down below is a dramatised extract from “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas” performed by the Year 7 English class.
We took the pivotal scene from the novel, wrote a script and the students gave up their break times to practice it. The scene takes place in the dining room of the Commandant of Auschwitz concentration camp and shows the tension between the Commandant and his lieutenant when he discovers the lieutenant’s father might have been a traitor. The Commandant is the father of Bruno, theĀ protagonist of the novel.
Script by Mrs Janssens
Shot by Mr Hillebrand and Min
Edited by Josh
Father: Joshua
Lieutenant Kotler: Moune
Mother: Stella
Servant: Amelie
Gretel: Nina
Bruno: Nowethu
Narrator: Ruwaidah
Everyone worked so hard on this and produced a really polished piece. Well done, Year 7s!