Colors Assembly, March 2023

On the 30th of March, we had our annual colours ceremony.
Our head prefects began the ceremony with an introductory speech, and the awards were presented by Mrs Lewis – the last time we see her before she goes overseas, back to England.
To kick it off, our basketball teams received awards for their performance in the top ten schools basketball tournament.
For our 2023 athletics, Jente, Garrett, Alice and Mahir achieved ‘athlete of the day’ for junior girls, junior boys, senior girls, and senior boys, respectively.
There were also several scrolls presented to Jacob, Cara-Claire, Kiera, Willow and Jonah for their commitment to their sport ECA.
And Rachel got full colours – a re-award – for representing South Africa at an international level!
Although many AS students weren’t present, we still had a few awards. Benjamin received a scroll, Michael half colours and Isa and Stephanie full colours. Congratulations to the AS students who were there to receive their awards and to those who have moved on to university!
Leah completed her bronze President’s award and is now moving on to her silver, and we also had some of our most dedicated SLF leaders accept awards. Both Avumile and Willow got a scroll for working 3 terms in the position.
Many of our prefects were rewarded their leadership half-scroll for their work in their respective portfolios.
Those who accepted service scrolls were Michael and Jonah for their work in the AV crew and Ben for his service at his Church. Well done to those who performed over 60 hours, and especially to Moune, who received half-colours for over 140 hours of lifesaving.Â
Thank you to everyone who organised the event and Mrs Lewis for presenting the awards. It was lovely to see her again before her travels.
And, of course, congratulations to everyone who worked for and received colours!
– By Hannah
Photos by Charity

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